In the Cloud environment, the dynamic task scheduling approach schedules the incoming tasks to the resources based on their current load to execute the task efficiently. An effective dynamic task scheduling approach aims to reduce the completion time, energy consumption and improves the utilization rate of the Cloud resources. To solve this constraint, the dynamic resource allocation technique is used in Cloud computing. It allocates the available resources to the users based on their requirements. An effective resource allocation minimizes resource wastage, cost, and SLA violations.
File size
Number of files
Cloudlet length
Number of cloudlets
Number of VM migrations
Number of Task migrations
Number of cloudlets
Resource characteristics
Number of requests
Number of VM instances
Number of rounds in auction
Execution time
Response time
Network latency
Average CPU utilization
Average power consumption
Average energy consumption
Resource utilization
Load balancing factor
Profit percentage
Total Cost
Data confidentiality (%)
Computation cost
Storage overhead
DeDuplication Ratio
Truthfulness in Auction
DataCenter:DatacenterCharacteristics (arch, os, vmm, hostList, time_zone, cost, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw)
Host:RAM, bandwidth, storage, number of processor elements, MIPS, and VM Scheduler
VirtualMachine:RAM, bandwidth, storage, number of processor elements, MIPS, and VM Scheduler
Cloudlet:length, input file size of cloudlet, output file size of cloudlet, RAM, bandwidth and CPU
Cloudlet: DatacenterBroker: VM creation, cloudlet submission to VM, and VM destruction