Research Breakthrough Possible @S-Logix

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Latest Computer Science Projects

➤ The project is the most important assignment during the study in partial fulfillment of the degree program. Developing a project gives you a tremendous opportunity to expand your capabilities in practical systems and gain experience in developing a new system right from the scratch.

➤ The project allows students to elect the specialized topics from the curriculum to acquire a broad range of knowledge and practical skills to utilize the career opportunities.

➤ It encourages the students to gain insights into the real-time functional processes and a chance to expose their ability and specialization to get identified by a prospective employer. We enable the students to get noticed by the employer among the crowd.

➤ S-Logix supports research projects for Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Networks, Computer Communications, Computer Applications, and Information Technology streams that lead to MSC/MS/PHD degree courses offered by the universities across the world.


S-Logix provides a broad range of software project topics in various tools and technology domains

OS Platforms

Linux: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64 bit, Cygwin.
Windows 10.


Java, TCL, C, C++, AWK, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Python.


MySQL 8.0.28, HBase 0.94.16, MongoDB, Cassandra.


PHP Servers: LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP), XAMPP (Cross Platform Apache MySQL PHP).
Java Servers: Tomcat 10.1.30, Glass Fish 7.0.18, MySQL 8.0.34.

PHP Frameworks

CodeIgniter, Symfony.


Python Tools

Anaconda 24.1.2, Spyder (5.4.3)

PHP Tools

Sublime Text version 4, Visual Studio Code 1.96.2

Java Tools

NetBeans 23, Eclipse 4.31, Apache Axis2 1.8.2, Cloud Sim 4.0, Weka 3.6.13, Protege 3.4, ArgoUML 0.34, Tomcat 10.1.30, Glass Fish 7.0.18, IntelliJ IDEA 2-24.2, Apache Maven 3.9.9, Android Studio 2024.21

Hadoop Tools

Apache NetBeans IDE 22, Hadoop 3.4.1, Apache Hive 3.2.4, Apache Pig 0.17.0, Apache HBase 3.3.1, Apache Sqoop 1.4.7, Apache Flume 1.11.0

Android Tools

Android SDK Tools, Android Platform Tools, Eclipse–Indigo SR2, Android Emulator

NS2 Tools

NAM, X-Graph, Gnuplot, TraceGraph, Mannasim, BonnMotion, CRCNSimulator, SUMO, MOVE, OpenStreetMap (OSM)

List of Projects

PhD Projects Based on Programming Languages.

Final Year Projects Based on Programming Languages.

Development Platforms