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Trending Contiki Cooja Projects in Internet of Things for PhD

Trending PhD Project Topics in Internet of Things (IoT)

Trending Contiki Cooja Projects in Internet of Things for PhD

  • The Internet of things (IoT) is a very idiosyncratic platform that gets more attention day by day in smart world construction. The IoT offers ubiquitous connectivity between the physical and virtual world things with the help of the Internet. The feature of connecting everything of IoT provides multiple opportunities and a boundless development scope under various fields. The IoT has evolved in diverse fields in recent years, as it is observed that tremendous changes in size, shape, and capacity of different things, instruments, and products are utilized in daily human lives. The vision of IoT is the interconnection of smart things anywhere, anytime, anyplace by using any intelligent network. Exploiting the Internet and artificial intelligence methods makes it possible to create our world smarter while reducing manual human interventions.

  • IoT Project Topics in Contiki Cooja Simulator for PhD

  • The prime idea of an IoT is achieving the trade of data among machines that are engendered using cutting-edge technologies such as wireless sensor networks and radio frequency identification. The sensing devices in such technologies have efficient decision-making capabilities and clever algorithms to perform the corresponding actions smartly. Moreover, the key components of IoT are smart connectivity and context-aware computation. The potential IoT applications are smart transportation, health monitoring, surveillance, infrastructure monitoring, environment monitoring, business, and smart home. S-Logix IoT projects provide various novel solutions to manage the current challenges associated with IoT technology with proper implantation services.
  • Cooja Simulator Project Topics in MAC and Adaptation Layer (IEEE 802.15.4, IETF 6TiSCH, and 6LoWPAN) for IoT

  •  • Design and Evaluation of MAC Protocols for IoT
     • Evaluation of 6TiSCH Communication Architecture for IoT
  • Cooja Simulator Project Topics in Routing Layer - Routing protocol for low-power and lossy networks (RPL)

  • Latest Contiki Cooja Simulator Project in RPL Routing Protocol for IoT
  •  • Critical Analysis of objective functions in RPL routing
     • Objective functions using variant routing metrics in RPL routing
     • Additive combination of node and link Metrics in RPL routing
     • Energy retaining objective function in RPL routing
     • Learning automata-based objective function in RPL routing
     • Cluster Parent Based RPL routing
     • Load Balanced clustering method for RPL outing
     • Context-Aware RPL routing
     • Load Balancing RPL routing
     • Multipath RPL routing
     • Compression aware aggregation based RPL routing
     • Scheduling aware forwarding mechanism in RPL routing
     • Scalable and Mobility aware RPL routing
     • Optimization scheme based RPL routing enhancement
     • Cross-Layer Based RPL Routing
     • Congestion Aware RPL Routing
     • Trickle algorithm based RPL routing enhancement schemes
     • Attacks in RPL Routing
     • Trust-Based network security schemes in RPL routing
     • Intrusion detection systems for RPL routing
     • Optimization and Learning model based RPL security
     • Machine Learning-based security enhancement schemes
  • Cooja Simulator Project Topics in CoAP Protocol for IoT

  • Latest Contiki Cooja Simulator Project in CoAP Protocol for IoT
  •  • CoAP congestion control mechanisms
     • Authentication, authorization, and access control in CoAP protocol
     • DTLS based security for CoAP protocol
     • Lightweight cryptography algorithms for CoAP protocol
     • Key management schemes in CoAP security
     • Message authentication schemes for CoAP security
  • Cooja Simulator Project Topics in MQTT Protocol for IoT

  • Latest Contiki Cooja Simulator Project in MQTT Protocol for IoT
  •  • QoS and Performance Enhancement of MQTT protocol
     • Lightweight cryptography for MQTT protocol
     • Authentication, authorization, and access control in MQTT protocol
  • Some of the Cooja Simulator Project Performance Metrics for Protocol Evaluation

  •  • Throughput
     • Packet Delivery Ratio
     • Message Size Overhead
     • Packet Loss
     • Delay and
     • Energy Consumption.