The Ph.D. process involves selecting a research topic, conducting an extensive literature review, and formulating a research proposal. It includes rigorous research, publishing findings, writing a thesis, and defending it through a viva voce to earn the doctoral degree.
A Ph.D. is a journey of advanced research, critical analysis, and academic contribution in a specialized field. It requires dedication to conducting original research, publishing in reputed journals, and defending the thesis before experts.
To Identify the contributions of the existing research in a particular context to understand the topic.
To determine the originality of the research contributions in the perspective of current literature.
Categorizing the contributions, determining the similarity, variations, and the relationship of each work.
To identify the research proposals to avoid duplication of work
To point out the research gaps and proposing new ideas for further research
Your paper contains sufficient interesting new material
Something is challenging in your work
It is presented concisely and well organized
You have provided solutions to some difficult problems
The methods and experiments are presented such that they can be replicated again
Results are presented adequately
The discussion is relevant, concise and well-documented
The level of the language is acceptable
Figures and tables are adequate and well-designed