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Ph.D Process

Ph.D. process

The Ph.D. process involves selecting a research topic, conducting an extensive literature review, and formulating a research proposal. It includes rigorous research, publishing findings, writing a thesis, and defending it through a viva voce to earn the doctoral degree.

A Ph.D. is a journey of advanced research, critical analysis, and academic contribution in a specialized field. It requires dedication to conducting original research, publishing in reputed journals, and defending the thesis before experts.



Deciding the Right University

Start searching for a university that offers Ph.D. in your research area. Find out the university rankings filtered by your subject of interest, analyze them, and make your choice list. Try to contact Ph.D. students at the schools you’re interested in and get to know about Ph.D. life inside the campus. Self-assess the environment and then apply for determination.

Identifying the Right Guide

The guide – student relationship is one of the crucial determinants of the success of a Ph.D. – talk to teachers/professors. Before searching for one, be determined to know more about yourself and your research aspirations so that you can establish a link with him/her in your first conversation. Your first impression with a draft of your research interests is only going to help you with a prospective guide to your choice. Make sure your guide is interested in your topic and you can get along with him.

PhD Registration

Apply on the form prescribed by the University with all the necessary enclosures, such as your documentary proof of date of birth, degree certificate of the last qualifying degree examination, No objection certificate from your employer (if employed). A Research synopsis has to be prepared for consultation with your proposed guide and shall be signed by both. The title of the Ph.D. thesis suggested by you should be such that no work of similar value has been done or is being done. A written text/interview or both are conducted depending on the institution you apply. You will be admitted once you pass the interview. The registered candidates undertake coursework, which shall be treated as a pre-PhD requirement.

Technological Domain Selection

Identifying the technology area has a profound influence on your career advancement and scope of the future. Select current and emerging technologies which create a large impact on the future research and society. Talk to your advisor for help.

Identifying the Research Problem

Identifying the relevant research problem is significant in enabling the actual process of seeking solutions through researching. It has a major influence on the successful completion of the Ph.D.

Write a Research Proposal

Research proposal explains the significance of the proposed research. It critically analyzes the existing research problems and identifies the gaps to focus on the solutions. The proposal is a concrete and convincing framework of a Ph.D. that highlights the originality of the study. The creativity of the problem and illustrates what critical thinking and skills used to prove or disprove the problem. It articulates the correct methodology to conduct the study and offers logical reasons why this particular method is selected. The proposal provides the potential for the work and what are the implications involved in it and eventually explains how the proposed solution is going to bridge the gap in the existing knowledge. Also, how the proposed work will contribute and what is the findings over prospects after the completion of the research work. The research proposal demonstrates the significance and the quality of the research as well as reflects the capability of the researcher to conduct the research.

Literature Survey

A literature survey offers an overview, critical evaluation, and significant contributions of the published work on a research topic. The survey process requires relevant research work published as scholarly articles, conference proceedings, dissertations, books, and related material available on the Internet. The literature review is an essential component of a thesis or dissertation or paper wiring to describe the previous work.

To Identify the contributions of the existing research in a particular context to understand the topic.

To determine the originality of the research contributions in the perspective of current literature.

Categorizing the contributions, determining the similarity, variations, and the relationship of each work.

To identify the research proposals to avoid duplication of work

To point out the research gaps and proposing new ideas for further research


Formulating the Solutions

Solving a research problem involves finding the right model, set up -introduce assumptions to simplify the problem, and need to validate the experiments.


Identifying the tools and technologies to solve a research problem
Requirements Analysis
System Analysis and Design
System Implementation and Testing
Performance Analysis and Evaluation

Results & Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation is the significant part of the research to validate the proposed method/technique. It involves modeling, measurement, evaluation, and visualization of performance aspects. The performance analysis needs appropriate tools and technologies to measure the results. When displaying the results, it should explain why this occurs, and what are the significance and implication. Your results should be compared to the results achieved by a researcher who previously worked on this or related problem.

Paper Writing

Paper writing is a formal presentation of the research work to expose your great ideas. A paper publication in a reputed journal is a compulsory process to gain Ph.D. Paper writing needs language and presentation skills to convey the process precisely. A simple and readable writing improves the chance of acceptance dramatically.

Paper Submission and Review revisions

Once the manuscript is submitted and the candidate has to wait for the response from the editor and reviewers.
Ensure the following to the reviewers:

Your paper contains sufficient interesting new material

Something is challenging in your work

It is presented concisely and well organized

You have provided solutions to some difficult problems

The methods and experiments are presented such that they can be replicated again

Results are presented adequately

The discussion is relevant, concise and well-documented

The level of the language is acceptable

Figures and tables are adequate and well-designed


Synopsis Writing

A synopsis is a short description of the key contributions of the researcher to be submitted to the doctoral committee for approval before the final thesis.

Thesis Writing

A thesis is a complete document prepared in a prescribed format to present the research findings of a candidate to qualify for the Ph.D. degree. The quality of the research, the minimum duration of the program, and requirements for completion varies considerably depending on the university. The thesis submission should be approved by the supervisor and doctoral committee. The examiners approved by the University assess the quality of the thesis for the award of Ph.D.


The Examiners at the viva-voce and open Defense recommend the award of the Ph.D. degree