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PhD Thesis Writing Services

PhD Thesis Writing Services in Computer Science

PhD Thesis Writing Services in Computer Science

  • The increasing growth of the Internet will lead to significant and fascinating technology in computer science. Guidance for PhD thesis in computers facilitates a productive path for scholars and researchers. The quality of a PhD thesis reclines in its distinctiveness. A PhD thesis is a constituent of great significance for the corresponding academic field, such as computer science. Some of the essential steps to write a PhD thesis are listed below that serve as an aid for PhD research scholars in writing the correct PhD thesis:

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  • VANET is a wireless multi-hop network consisting of self-organizing vehicles as mobile nodes. A main constraint of VANET is frequent topology changes due to the high node mobility. With the increasing number of vehicles equipped with computing technologies and smart devices, inter-vehicle communication has become a promising field of research in wireless communication. VANETs provide a wide range of applications from entertainment to safety, such as dynamic route prediction with less traffic, blind crossing, lane changing assistance, parking payment, and real-time traffic condition monitoring. Another important application for VANETs is the provision of Internet connectivity to vehicular nodes.
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  • Edge computing handles the critical situations that arise in the time-sensitive Internet of Things (IoT) applications like smart city, smart electricity, and smart transportation with a very short response time. With the integration of the storage, computing, and network resources at the edge of the environment, the edge computing technology enables the quick development and deployment of the edge applications in both the academia and industry systems from the study of the research challenges and opportunities in the edge computing research area.
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  • In the real world, most organizational data are in the form of big data, relying on big data analytics to improve business outcomes. The data-driven analysis from uncovering the hidden relationships in large-scale structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data ensures the potential benefits to the business organizations in terms of understanding customer preferences, effective marketing, operational efficiency, and increased revenue opportunities.
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Step for Writing PhD Thesis in Computer Science

  • Step1: Fixation of PhD Thesis Title
    Title fixation for PhD thesis should be unique, followed by all the essential names of the research study. The titles must be more inclusive and acceptable to reflect the major contribution of the PhD thesis in the field of computer science.
  • Step 2: Writing the Abstract
    Abstract framing is a high-class overall executive summary of the PhD thesis. The content of the abstract includes the core idea, problem motivation, research objectives, proposed research methods, achievements, and limitations. The end of the abstract offers a short description of the rest of the thesis organization.
  • Step3: List of Contents
    Forming a list of contents helps provide direct accessibility for the necessitated page by proclaiming all the headings and sub-headings pointed in the PhD thesis research study, along with the list of tables, figures, and abbreviations used in the thesis.
  • Step4: Introduction
    The most important step is the introduction to the research work of a PhD thesis. This introduction chapter contains the content to understand the responsibility of estimating all the perspectives of the research objectives. The introduction chapter establishes the background, purpose of the research, context and developmental process of the research work as a clear overview.
  • The introduction chapter also covers the gap analysis to determine the differentiation between the present and desired performance of the proposed research work. The research objective provides the problem statement and the solution that the current research work achieves. The research objective should be specific, quantifiable, attainable, practical, and time-based. Objective lists the major focus of the research work and is divided into the number of research objectives as the outline to proceed with the work. While writing the content of this chapter, the researcher needs to include the fundamental information of the research work and the significance of the research contribution.
  • Step 5: Related Works
    Related work and literature review is the next step to be added in the PhD thesis to impart the survey and critical review of prior related works. This chapter contains the coherent and consistent narrative of the previously published papers related and surveys to the same aspect of the present research work are preserved in the logical flow. Related work of the PhD demonstrates the literature search and critical analysis of the relevant literature characterizing earlier work in the field. While writing this chapter, the latest reference papers are analyzed, and their drawbacks are identified.
  • This chapter points out the research gap in knowledge, methods, and solutions for the problem that the thesis conflicts. During the updation of related works, highly cited publications, pertinent books, peer-reviewed journal articles, and official website information are utilized from a more consistent resource such as Google Scholar. Few top research journals such as IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer, Science Direct, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Thomson Reuters, and Inderscience Publishers should be referred for surveys and related works. For this purpose, this chapter must include practical knowledge, theoretical realizations, and contemplation.
  • Step 6: Research Methodology
    Formulating the methodology of the research work covers the measures to achieve objectives for evaluating the reliability and validation of the research work. Research methodology provides depth explanation of the research work with its design, tool, and technologies used. Approaches such as qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, and experimental are utilized to represent the methodology. Research methodology also expresses the mathematical formulation of the research work.
  • Step 7: Performance Evaluation and Result Discussions
    The next chapter is about the results and analyses of the research work. This chapter must concisely introduce the tools used and actual observations; statistical derivations should be analyzed in statements, tables, and graphs, for superior understanding. This section also discusses the graphical representation of obtained current work results with the defense of prior work results and comparative analysis.
  • Step 8: Conclusion
    The conclusion is included in the very last part of the PhD thesis that summarizes all the complete research work by referring back to the main methodology of the thesis for the comprehensive descriptions; the conclusion segment does not comprise detailed descriptions of the issues or the solutions.
  • Step 9: Future Research Scope
    Future directions of the research are enclosed at last, which is critical for future means of evolving research in the subjective fields and summing up the findings by referring back to the problems encountered in the research work.
  • Step 10: Referencing
    In this step, the researcher must cite all the reference sources such as publications, books, journals, articles, and websites exploited in the research using a specific citation format.