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Latest Research Papers in Mobile Cloud Computing

Latest Research Papers in Mobile Cloud Computing

Trending Mobile Cloud Computing Research Papers

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is a computing paradigm that combines the power of the cloud and mobile computing to augment the rich computational resources available to mobile users. The MCC ultimately enables the execution power of rich mobile applications on mobile devices with a rich user experience. MCC uses computational augmentation methods by which resource-constraint mobile devices can utilize computational resources of varied cloud-based resources.

In MCC, an amalgam of mobile computing, cloud computing, and communication networks creates several complex challenges, such as Mobile Computation Offloading, Vendor/data Lock-in, Security and Privacy, Seamless Connectivity, Long WAN Latency, Mobility Management, Context-Processing, Energy Constraint, Elasticity that hinder MCC success and adoption. The major benefits of MCC are that mobile devices allow users access to cloud services anywhere and anytime. Mobile cloud services can give information about a location, context, and requested services to improve user experience, and each mobile device has storage, computing, sensing, and advantageous power resources.

Mobile computing can help to overcome some problems of Cloud Computing, such as solving the problem of WAN latencies by using cloudlet. Cloud-based mobile applications are used in many domains of our life, such as education, banking, healthcare, etc. MCC is the trending technology domain used for industry and research, as both attempts to introduce and implement better models that improve efficiency while maintaining a high level of security.

List of Latest Research Papers Topics in Mobile Cloud Computing