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PhD Research Guidance in Mobile Cloud Computing

PhD Research Guidance in Mobile Cloud Computing

PhD Research Guidance in Mobile Cloud Computing

  • Mobile cloud computing offers the ease of accessing compute-intensive mobile applications through its potential advantage of the computational offloading procedure.

  • MCC improves the reliability, scalability, data storage capacity, processing power, battery lifetime, and it offers the multi-tenancy, dynamic provisioning of the services, and ease of integration.

  • In MCC, an efficient resource allocation considers scalability, data confidentiality, customer satisfaction, battery consumption, number of clients per server, and minimum SLA violations.

  • Resource allocation service has a great scope in business and commercial applications that has resources with high quality and high resource utilization.

  • MCC researches have gained significant attention in providing solutions for the different cloud-based mobile applications, including the gaming, health, entertainment, social networking, business, news, and travel domains.


  • Ph.D

    Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Science, Computer applications, Information Technology and Computer Networks

  • M.E/M.Tech/M.S

    Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Networks and Information Technology