Latest Digital Forensics Research Topics for Masters and PhD
Digital Forensics (DF) has played a major in many investigations. DF tools are popular within law enforcement and are employed daily by examiners and analysts. The rapid development of forensic methods, tools, and processes over the past years has been successful. Recently, organizations have adopted the latest technologies that result in obsolete tools, incompatible data formats, and unable to produce the investigation results forensically soundly. Due to the scalability issues, data that can be analyzed has to wait for months before the review. Thus, without a clear research direction, the capabilities of DF tools increasingly become obsolete. A dramatic improvement in the efficiency of both tools and research processes is mandatory to cope up with the recent technologies.
Digital Forensics -Topics Coverage
Digital Forensic Standards, Tools, and Techniques, Current Challenges in Technology Advancement, Digital Forensic Investigation Process Models,
Legal Standards and Implications, Forensic Identification and Acquisition, Forensic Examination and Analysis, Forensic Readiness, Data Provenance,
Incident Response, Forensic Analysis, Evidence Triaging, Anti-Frensic Methods, Evidence Accessibility, Cybercrime Analysis, Cyber-risk Management, Data Integrity and Privacy Preservation in Digital Forensics, Data Mining and Machine Learning for Digital Forensics.
Computer Forensics, Network Forensics, Malware Analysis,Storage Forensics, Multimedia Forensics, Mobile Device Forensics, Cloud Forensics, Mobile Cloud Forensics, Social Media Forensics, Big Data Forensics,
IoT Forensics, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Forensics.
Masters and PhD Digital Forensics Research Topics and Ideas