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Research Topics in Mobile Forensic Readiness Model

Mobile Forensic Readiness Model Research Topics

Essential Research Topics in Mobile Forensic Readiness Model

   Forensic readiness plays a crucial role in digital forensic investigation, gathering the potential evidence that is important to incident detection and incident investigation. Mobile forensic readiness is the proactive process of the mobile forensic investigation on the mobile device. To improve the investigation accuracy and mitigate the investigation time, the mobile forensic investigator requires the forensic readiness model in the pre-investigation process.
   Mobile forensics with the capability of the forensic readiness model greatly assists the digital investigator in initiating the investigation of the data stored in the mobile device. The propagation of mobile devices enormously increases the advancements in cybercriminal activities; hence, designing the mobile forensic procedure with the incorporation of the forensic readiness model is vital to performing a forensically sound investigation.
   In mobile forensics, a forensic readiness report consists of an analyzed and reconstructed set of mobile user activities to be utilized during the mobile forensic investigation to analyze the crime events between the service provider and mobile user. The mobile forensic readiness model needs to minimize the investigation cost without compromising the maximization of the potential of the digital evidence.
   The first procedure is to turn on the airplane mode of the mobile phone, which will block any connection to the network, Wi-fi, and Bluetooth, preventing communications from happening. The second procedure is shutting down the device by turning it off, which will block interactions from happening like the first procedure. Lastly, but not least, the third procedure that can be pursued is to place the mobile device into a shielded box, which will block network and radio communications from outsiders.