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Digital Forensic Readiness In Wireless Medical Systems - 2020

Digital Forensic Readiness In Wireless Medical Systems

Research Area:  Digital Forensics


individuals and businesses has become dependent on digital devices. These devices and services are used in the healthcare systems including hospitals as Wireless Medical Networks (WMedSys). Security incidents in the WMedSys have increased over the past few years. This paper reports research into digital forensic readiness in wireless medical systems by inserting forensic readiness states into the network system and preparing mitigation for security failure. A design is built and tested, and then validated by expert feedback. The contribution of this research is to present a novel conceptual design for a digital forensic readiness framework for WMedSys, which can be easily implemented and integrated into existing wireless networks in the healthcare sector.


Author(s) Name:  ArKar Kyaw; Brian Cusack; Raymond Lutui

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  29th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC)

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/ITNAC46935.2019.9078005

Volume Information: