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An Exploratory Study on Readiness Framework in IoT Forensics - 2021

An Exploratory Study on Readiness Framework in IoT Forensics

Survey paper on An Exploratory Study on Readiness Framework in IoT Forensics

Research Area:  Digital Forensics


Forensic readiness is important to ensure that the organization is fully prepared and well-equipped to be forensically ready to conduct the digital forensic investigation. Moreover, forensic readiness in IoT forensic investigation is different from the usual computer forensic readiness. This research discovered the importance of having the forensic readiness in place for the organization before conducting the IoT forensic investigation. Therefore, a readiness framework was proposed as a groundwork before further research is carried out. Literature on related this issues was collected, examined and criticized in order to scrutinize the impact factors in IoT forensics investigations. Finally, the proposed framework was validated by thirty experts from digital forensics in Malaysia using triangulation methods. From the results, this framework will be used in developing an instruments to measure readiness factors among digital forensics stakeholders.

IoT forensic
Forensic Readiness
Triangulation Method

Author(s) Name:  Nurul Huda Nik Zulkipli, Gary B. Wills

Journal name:  Procedia Computer Science

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.086

Volume Information:  Volume 179, 2021, Pages 966-973