In the contemporary internet world, social networks facilitate fundamental aspects by establishing the greatest global information interaction platform. The most prevalent social network applications involve computer-mediated social interaction, education, business, finance, healthcare, politics, religion, and crowd-sourcing. As the ubiquity of social networks is increasing, their applicability towards security, the internet, and textual analysis are tremendously expanded. Many research and development activities are extended in social networks on social inter-networking of machines, innovating the Internet of Things (IoT) and social networks amid machines. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are the current evolution in social networks.
Social networking is become more intricated and led to new forms of collecting and analyzing data and by experimenting with new and combined methodologies. The current research challenge in the social network is difficulty in huge data handling; hence Big Data usage in social networks analysis is introduced. Various PhD thesis is investigated on social networks that contain applications areas, challenges, and advances of social networking. This list comprises advanced tendency PhD thesis topics that help bring new approaches to imparting research on social networks, both quantitatively and qualitatively.