Leading SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed Journals in Social Networks
Leading SCIE and SCOPUS Indexed Journals in Social Networks
Social network journals list provide high-quality international journals publishing social network interactions and establish personal relationships between people based on a common interest. Social networks are popular tools to comment on worldwide events, improve information discovery, facilitate strong communication channels and user-friendly social interaction. In the last few years, wide-ranging Online social networks have rapidly increased the number of users.
Many journals of social networks provide direct relevance to scholars and scientists in various disciplines. This list of journals presents a quality evaluation and review of Social Network applications and enabling technologies with high impact factor, cite score, scientific journal rank (SJR), and H-Index. It also provides research contributions, surveys, and notes in all areas relating to Social networks and applications.
General Scope and Topics Coverage of Social Networks Journals
Social Networks and Analysis - Mining Social Networks - Community Discovery in Large-scale and Complex Social Networks - Contextual Social Network Analysis
Social Network Personalization and Recommendations for E-Commerce - Security and Privacy in Social Networks - Mobile and Stream Data Analysis for Social Network Applications
Social Tagging and Applications - Social Networks and Social Influence - Information and Influence Propagation in Social Networks - Social Influence Analysis
Stochastic Diffusion Models - Influence Maximization Approaches - Learning Propagation Models for Social Networks - Machine learning Techniques for Social Media Analytics
List of High Impact Factor Social Networks Journals