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Latest Research Papers in Fog Computing

Latest Research Papers in Fog Computing

Trending Fog Computing Research Papers

Fog Computing (FC) is similar to Cloud Computing (CC), which supports virtualizations. FC is one of the latest technologies introduced to improve classic cloud computing through local workload sharing and preprocessing priority tasks. The Fog node usually preprocesses priority tasks, also called a cloudlet. It extends CC to end devices to support better time-dependent, location-dependent, massive-scale, and latency-sensitive applications.

It is useful in healthcare applications, intelligent transportation systems, and smart cities. FC has become a well-established paradigm to optimize key Quality of Service(QoS) requirements such as latency, bandwidth limitation, response time, scalability, privacy, and security. The benefits of FC are: it offers better security, saves network bandwidth which leads to lower operational costs, reduces latency, and makes it easy to develop fog applications. The FC is used in Linked vehicles, Real-time analytics, Smart Grids, and Smart Cities.

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