Session1: Understanding the Web Development and Static Web Pages
Session2: Understanding the Web and Development Tools
Session3: Setting Up and Deploying Web Projects
Browse ModuleSession4: Introduction to HTML5 and Document Structure
Session5: Basic Text Elements and Formatting in HTML
Session6: Metadata, Semantic Elements, and Text Markup in HTML
Browse ModuleSession7: Structuring Content with HTML Elements
Session8: Advanced HTML Elements and Forms
Session9: Specialized HTML Elements and Semantic Markup
Browse ModuleSession10: CSS and CSS Selector
Session11: CSS Styles
Session12: CSS Box Model and Positioning
Browse ModuleSession13: Display, Float, Media Queries
Session14: Flexbox
Session15: Bootstrap
Browse ModuleSession16: Basics of JavaScript
Session17: JavaScript Operators
Browse ModuleSession18: JavaScript Syntax
Session19: JavaScript Arrays and Loops
Browse ModuleSession20: DOM, Operating HTML with JavaScript
Session21: Advanced JavaScript and DOM Manipulation
Session22: jQuery
Browse ModuleSession23: Introduction to popular Front-end Frameworks (e.g., Angular)
Session24: Angular
Session25: Advanced Angular Concepts and Application Development
Session26: Form Validation, Authentication and Authorization
Session27: React.js
Session28: Handling Events, Conditional Rendering, Lists and keys, Forms and Controlled Components
Browse ModuleSession29: Server-Side Programming (Node.js, Python or PHP)
Session30: SQL Commands and their Syntax
Session31: PHP, PHP Syntax, Functions and Arrays
Session32: Advanced PHP Concepts
Session33: Object-Oriented PHP
Browse ModuleSession34: API, JSON and Authentication
Session35: Build your Own API
Browse ModuleSession36: Working with Node.JS
Session37: Express.js with Node.js
Session38: Postman, Middlewares
Browse ModuleSession39: Git Commands
Session40: Advanced Git Commands
Browse ModuleSession41: Working with Front-end and Back-end
Session42: Web Security and Optimization
Session43: Deployment and Hosting
Session44: Project Work and Review
Browse ModuleSession45: Keyword Optimization
Session46: On-Page SEO
Session47: Technical SEO
Session48: Link Building
Browse Module