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A Smart Network Resource Management System for High Mobility Edge Computing in 5G Internet of Vehicles - 2021

A Smart Network Resource Management System For High Mobility Edge Computing In 5g Internet Of Vehicles

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Smart Driving Vehicles (SDVs) are assisted by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) to enhance the ability to deal with complex road conditions. Smart network composed of SDVs and MEC. The transmission of low delay is required in intelligent driving tasks. However, High Mobility Edge Computing Service Hand-Off (HMEC-HO) can cause retransmission delays and some security issues. To reduce delay in Smart network, a Hybrid Transmission and Reputation Management (HTRM) system is presented. Based on Fifth Generation Mobile Communications (5G) Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology, an efficient hybrid Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Scheduling (EH-V2VV2I) algorithm is designed, which uses relay vehicles to help initiating-vehicles for task transmission. To enhance the reliability of V2V connection, an algorithm of Relay Vehicle Selection and Reputation Management (RV-SRM) is proposed for predicting the link survival time, selecting highly reliable relay vehicles, and managing vehicle credibility simultaneously. The simulation results show that HTRM makes the throughput of the tasks of edge server to meet the requirements of vehicles. The experiments show that the delay of our method is reduced by 41% and the reliability of V2V connection is improved by 31% than the hard handover method.


Author(s) Name:  Shanchen Pang; Nuanlai Wang; Min Wang; Sibo Qiao; Xue Zhai; Neal N. Xiong

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TNSE.2021.3106955

Volume Information:  Volume: 8, Issue: 4, Page(s): 7457 - 7469