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Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing

Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing

Good Research Book in Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing

Author(s) Name:  San Murugesan, Irena Bojanova

About the Book:

   The Encyclopedia of Cloud Computing provides IT professionals, educators, researchers and students with a compendium of cloud computing knowledge. It covers a wide range of cloud computing topics, including technological trends and developments, research opportunities, best practices, standards, and cloud adoption. Providing multiple perspectives, it also addresses questions that stakeholders might have in the context of development, operation, management, and use of clouds. Furthermore, it examines cloud computing-s impact now and in the future.

Table of Contents

  1 Cloud Computing: An Overview
  2 Cloud Services and Service Providers
  3 Mobile Cloud Computing
  4 Community Clouds
  5 Government Clouds
  6 Cloud]Based Development Environments: PaaS
  7 Cloud Reference Frameworks
  8 Virtualization: An Overview
  9 Cloud Network and I/O Virtualization
  10 Cloud Networks
  11 Wireless Datacenter Networks
  12 Open]Source Cloud Software Solutions
  13 Developing Software for Cloud: Opportunities and Challenges for Developers
  14 Cloud Portability and Interoperability
  15 Cloud Federation and Geo]Distribution
  16 Cloud Standards

ISBN:  9781118821978

Publisher:  Wiley-IEEE Press

Year of Publication:  2016

Book Link:  Home Page Url