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Event-driven approach for predictive and proactive management of SLA violations in the Cloud of Things - 2018

Event-driven approach for predictive and proactive management of SLA violations in the Cloud of Things

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


In a dynamic environment such as the cloud-of-things, one of the most critical factors for successful service delivery is the QoS under defined constraints. Even though guarantees in the form of service level agreements (SLAs) are provided to users, many services exhibit dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) variations. This QoS variation as well as changes in the behavior and state of the service is caused by some internal events (such as varying loads) and external events (such as location and weather), which results in frequent SLA violations. Most of the existing violation prediction approaches use historic data to predict future QoS values. They do not consider dynamic changes and the events that cause these changes in QoS attributes. In this paper, we propose an event-driven-based proactive approach for predicting SLA violations by combining logic-based reasoning and probabilistic inferencing. The results show that our proposed approach is efficient and proactively identifies SLA violations under uncertain QoS observations.


Author(s) Name:  Falak Nawaz,Naeem Khalid Janjua,Omar Khadeer Hussain,Farookh Khadeer Hussain,Elizabeth Chang and Morteza Saberi

Journal name:  Future Generation Computer Systems

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  ELSEVIER

DOI:  10.1016/j.future.2018.02.025

Volume Information:  Volume 84, July 2018, Pages 78-97