Research Area:  Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is an emerging technology in modern era of online processing of customizable resources gathered commonly for several remote server accesses through on-demand access. Cloud Service Provider (CSP) renders cloud computing infrastructure in pay per use scheme in various formats. Thus, CSP provides a major role in optimization of Task Scheduling (TS) in trade off with cost afford by the end user. In proposed scheme, to create efficient utilization of resources and balanced cost of rendering service to end user, Modified Fuzzy Clustering Means algorithm (MFCM) along with Modified Ant Colony Optimization (MACO) technique is used thereby minimizing the cost of using a cloud computing structure and with reduced makespan along with load balancing capability. Proposed strategy provides better results than existing strategies of various modifications on ACO alone that concentrates on optimizing lineup of Virtual Machine (VM).
Author(s) Name:   Y. Home Prasanna Raju,Nagaraju Devarakonda
Journal name:  
Conferrence name:  Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security
Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1007/978-981-13-1951-8_26
Volume Information:  pp 283-298
Paper Link: