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Research Topics for Social Cloud Computing

Social Cloud Computing

Trending Research Topics for Social Cloud Computing

   Social Cloud is a framework that enables the users to share the resources and services with others, establishing the relationship within the social network. The Social Cloud offers the sharing of a virtualized resources, supported by the infrastructure of different trust levels based on the group abstraction. Social Cloud comprises physical resources and virtual resources with various availability. Social Cloud allows the users to share the heterogeneous resources within the context of a social network to form dynamic resources. The social network users share their heterogeneous computing resources in the form of Adhoc cloud, which is termed social cloud computing. Social cloud computing is the collaboration and resource sharing paradigm, constructed over the social network. It is also referred to as peer-to-peer computing. In Social Cloud computing, sharing of resources by the users is regulated by the socially-oriented marketplace which adapts common allocation protocols to a social context. The social market facilitates trading using both the social and economic protocols. Consequently, the members in the social cloud have the tendency to be the member of multiple Social Clouds. However, Social Cloud computing encounters a lot of challenges, which are discussed as follows. • Ensuring resource availability is difficult due to the dynamic changes over the volatile resource provisioning social cloud environment • Social Cloud computing often deals with unauthorized access, service disruption, and modification, which leads the security and trust issues. • Providing reliable computation is a challenging task in the social cloud due to the speed of the computation is high. • Recovering the deleted data in the social cloud is essential, which becomes an emerging research area.