Research Area:  Cloud Computing
The article presents an efficient energy optimization framework based on dynamic resource scheduling for VM migration in cloud data centers. This increasing number of cloud data centers all over the world are consuming a vast amount of power and thus, exhaling a huge amount of CO2 that has a strong negative impact on the environment. Therefore, implementing Green cloud computing by efficient power reduction is a momentous research area. Live Virtual Machine VM migration, and server consolidation technology along with appropriate resource allocation of users tasks, is particularly useful for reducing power consumption in cloud data centers. In this article, the authors propose algorithms which mainly consider live VM migration techniques for power reduction named Power_reduction and VM_migration.Moreover, the authors implement dynamic scheduling of servers based on sequential search, random search, and a maximum fairness search for convenient allocation and higher utilization of resources. The authors perform simulation work using CloudSim and the Cloudera simulator to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms. Results show that the proposed approaches achieve around 30% energy savings than the existing algorithms.
Author(s) Name:  Jenia Afrin Jeba , Shanto Roy , Mahbub Or Rashid , Syeda Tanjila Atik , Md Whaiduzzaman
Journal name:  International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  ACM
DOI:  10.4018/IJCAC.2019010105
Volume Information:  Volume 9Issue 1January 2019 pp 59–81
Paper Link: