Description: In CloudSim, static command tags are typically used to represent predefined settings, configurations, or system-wide parameters that remain constant during the simulation. These static tags or commands allow users to define various attributes like simulation parameters, the configuration of data centers, VM allocation policies, and the characteristics of hosts and VMs that are used throughout the simulation.
Time-Related Static Tags: These include defining the simulation's start time and stopping time.
Global Configuration: CloudSim might have static methods to set simulation-wide configurations like logging or trace settings.
Using Static Methods: Static methods are often used to configure certain components globally, such as setting the time slice for each task or defining the scheduling interval.
Examples of Static Tags: • CloudSim.clock(): Returns the current time in the simulation. • CloudSim.getEntityList(): Retrieves all active entities in the simulation. • CloudSim.stopSimulation(): Stops the simulation.