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A survey on virtual machine migration and server consolidation frameworks for cloud data centers - 2015

A survey on virtual machine migration and server consolidation frameworks for cloud data centers

Research Area:  Cloud Computing


Modern Cloud Data Centers exploit virtualization for efficient resource management to reduce cloud computational cost and energy budget. Virtualization empowered by virtual machine (VM) migration meets the ever increasing demands of dynamic workload by relocating VMs within Cloud Data Centers. VM migration helps successfully achieve various resource management objectives such as load balancing, power management, fault tolerance, and system maintenance. However, being resource-intensive, the VM migration process rigorously affects application performance unless attended by smart optimization methods. Furthermore, a Cloud Data Centre exploits server consolidation and DVFS methods to optimize energy consumption. This paper reviews state-of-the-art bandwidth optimization schemes, server consolidation frameworks, DVFS-enabled power optimization, and storage optimization methods over WAN links. Through a meticulous literature review of state-of-the-art live VM migration schemes, thematic taxonomies are proposed to categorize the reported literature. The critical aspects of virtual machine migration schemes are investigated through a comprehensive analysis of the existing schemes. The commonalties and differences among existing VM migration schemes are highlighted through a set of parameters derived from the literature. Finally, open research issues and trends in the VM migration domain that necessitate further consideration to develop optimal VM migration schemes are highlighted.


Author(s) Name:  Raja Wasim Ahmad, Abdullah Gani, Siti Hafizah Ab. Hamid, Muhammad Shiraz, Abdullah Yousafzai, Feng Xia

Journal name:  Journal of Network and Computer Applications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/j.jnca.2015.02.002

Volume Information:  Volume 52, June 2015, Pages 11-25