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Emerging Communication Technologies Based on Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Research and Future Applications

Emerging Communication Technologies Based on Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Research and Future Applications

Hot Research Book in Emerging Communication Technologies Based on Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Research and Future Applications

Author(s) Name:  Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Al-Sakib Khan Pathan

About the Book:

   Emerging Communication Technologies Based on Wireless Sensor Networks: Current Research and Future Applications fills a gap in the existing literature by combining a plethora of WSN-based emerging technologies into a single source so that researchers can form opinions regarding these technologies. It presents different types of emerging communication technologies based on WSNs and describes how wireless sensor networks can be integrated with other communication technologies. It covers many of the new techniques and demonstrates the application of WSNs. The book-s 14 chapters are divided into four parts.
   The first part covers the basics of wireless sensor networks and their principal working methods. The authors then move on to discuss different types of WSNs, characteristics of different types of emerging technologies based on WSNs, renewable energy sources, battery replenishment strategies, and application-specific energy challenges of WSNs.
   The second part is dedicated to issues related to wireless body area networks (WBANs). It discusses wearable WSNs and their applications, standards, and research trends. The authors also discuss routing schemes devised for WBANs and thermal-aware routing protocols for WBANs.
   The third part focuses on different emerging communication technologies based on WSNs, including electromagnetic wireless nanosensor networks, WSNs in the IoT, management of WSNs through satellite networks, WSNs in smart homes, and cognitive radio technology in conjunction with WSNs.
   The last part of the book covers topics generally related to typical WSNs, including energy-efficient data collection in WSNs, key distribution mechanisms in WSNs, distributed data gathering algorithms for mobile WSNs, and finally, a novel mobility scheme for WSNs that supports IPv6.

Table of Contents

  •   1. Role of Wireless Sensor Network in Emerging Communication Technologies: A Review. A Review on Renewable Energy Sources
      2. Battery Replenishment Strategies, and Application-Specific Energy Challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks
  •   1. Wearable Wireless Sensor Networks: Applications, Standards, and Research Trends
      2. Revisiting Routing in Wireless Body Area Networks
      3. Thermal-Aware Communication Protocols for Body Sensor Networks
  •   1. Electromagnetic Wireless Nanoscale Sensor Networks
      2. Evolution of Wireless Sensor Networks toward Internet of Things
      3. Wireless Sensor Network Management Using Satellite Communication Technologies
      4. Use of Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Homes
      5. Realizing Cognitive Radio Technology for Wireless Sensor Networks
  •   1. Energy-Efficient Data Collection Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
      2. A Pairwise Key Distribution Mechanism and Distributed Trust Evaluation Model for Secure Data Aggregation in Mobile Sensor Networks
      3. Distributed Data Gathering Algorithms for Mobile Sensor Networks
      4. Sensor Proxy Mobile IPv6: A Novel Scheme for Mobility-Supported IP-WSN

    ISBN:  9781498724852

    Publisher:  CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group

    Year of Publication:  2016

    Book Link:  Home Page Url