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Trending Literature Survey Topics in Wireless Sensor Networks

Trending Literature Survey Topics in Wireless Sensor Networks

Trending Literature Survey Topics in Wireless Sensor Networks

   With a profound impact on technological developments, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been growing a promising sensing technique. WSN consists of various sensor nodes that communicate to form a synergistic wireless network. It is a highly distributed network that senses the environment and communicates information through wireless links. WSN leverages ad-hoc networks for its operations, and it has gained several applications in varied areas such as military target tracking and surveillance, transportation, biomedical health monitoring, environment monitoring, industries, and many others.
   Many existing literature surveys presented an overview of WSNs technologies, features in WSNs design, and evolutions. Despite that, there are several research challenges in WSN are energy constraints, communication and routing, and security. This list aims to present surveys of recent research advancements on WSN with its characteristics and potential applications. It also provides Computational intelligent techniques to overcome the critical issues and challenges of WSNs.

List of Latest Topics for Literature Survey in Wireless Sensor Networks