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Multichannel Cross-Layer Routing for Sensor Networks

Multichannel Cross-Layer Routing for Sensor Networks

Interesting PhD Thesis on Multichannel Cross-Layer Routing for Sensor Networks

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


   Wireless Sensor Networks are ad-hoc networks that consist of sensor nodes that typically use low-power radios to connect to the Internet. The channels used by the low-power radio often suffer from interference from the other devices sharing the same frequency. By using multichannel communication in wireless networks, the effects of interference can be mitigated to enable the network to operate reliably. This thesis investigates an energy efficient multichannel protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks. It presents a new decentralized multichannel tree-building protocol with a centralized controller for ad-hoc sensor networks.
   The protocol detects the channels that suffer interference in real-time and switches the sensor nodes from those channels. It takes into account all available channels and aims to use the spectrum efficiently by transmitting on several channels. In addition to the use of multiple channels, the protocol reconstructs the topology based on the sensor nodes’ residual energy, which can prolong the network lifetime. The sensor nodes energy consumption is reduced because of the multichannel protocol. By using the lifetime energy spanning tree algorithm proposed in this thesis, energy consumption can be further improved by balancing the energy load in the network. This solution enables sensor nodes with less residual energy to remain functional in the network. The benefits of the proposed protocol are described in an extensive performance evaluation of different scenarios in this thesis.

Name of the Researcher:  Noradila Nordin

Name of the Supervisor(s):  Miguel Rio

Year of Completion:  2017

University:  University College London

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