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Proposed Energy Efficient Algorithm for Clustering and Routing in WSN - 2018

Proposed Energy Efficient Algorithm for Clustering and Routing in WSN

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Clustering in WSN recently become big challenge and attracts many researches. Clustering is a way of grouping sensor nodes into clusters with CH responsible to receive from its members and send to base station BS, CH selection in efficient way prolongs network life time and stability region. So, improper CHs selection and distribution in sensing field will affect the performance of clustering. In WSN environment there is N sensor nodes and K CHs, there is NkNk different ways to create clusters, so it’s difficult to identify optimal set of CHs without using search optimization algorithm. In this paper, the process of CH selection is formulated as single-objective optimization problem to find optimal set of CHs to form, one-hop clusters, in order to balance energy consumption, enhance stability and scalability using gravitational search algorithm (GSA). The problem has been solved using particle swarm optimization and GSA and compare the result against LEACH protocol. In this paper, several simulations have been done to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm under different position for BS. Furthermore, new cost function has been proposed for Hierarchical Clustering. The objective of hierarchical clustering is to increase network lifetime and prolong network stability, several simulations have been done to compare the efficiency of multi-hop versus one-hop approach.


Author(s) Name:  Nehad A. Morsy, Ehab H. AbdelHay and Sherif S. Kishk

Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Springer

DOI:  10.1007/s11277-018-5948-2

Volume Information:  volume 103, pages 2575–2598 (2018)