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Security in RFID and Sensor Networks

Security in RFID and Sensor Networks

Latest Research Book in Security in RFID and Sensor Networks

Author(s) Name:  Paris Kitsos

About the Book:

   In the past several years, there has been an increasing trend in the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as well as in the integration of both systems due to their complementary nature, flexible combination, and the demand for ubiquitous computing. As always, adequate security remains one of the open areas of concern before wide deployment of RFID and WSNs can be achieved. Security in RFID and Sensor Networks is the first book to offer a comprehensive discussion on the security challenges and solutions in RFID, WSNs, and integrated RFID and WSNs, providing an essential reference for those who regularly interface with these versatile technologies.
   The book begins with a discussion of current security issues that threaten the effective use of RFID technology. The contributors examine multi-tag systems, relay attacks, authentication protocols, lightweight cryptography, and host of other topics related to RFID safety. The book then shifts the focus to WSNs, beginning with a background in sensor network security before moving on to survey intrusion detection, malicious node detection, jamming, and other issues of concern to WSNs and their myriad of applications.
   In each chapter, the contributors propose effective solutions to the plethora of security challenges that confront users, offering practical examples to aid in intuitive understanding. The last part of the book reviews the security problems inherent in integrated RFID & WSNs. The book ends with a glimpse of the future possibilities in these burgeoning technologies and provides recommendations for the proactive design of secure wireless embedded systems.

Table of Contents

  • Security in RFID
  •   1. Multi-Tag RFID Systems.
      2. Attacking RFID Systems
      3. RFID Relay Attacks: System Analysis,Modeling, and Implementation
      4. Physical Privacy and Security in RFID Systems
      5. Authentication Protocols in RFID Systems
      6. Lightweight Cryptography for Low-Cost RFID Tags.
      7. Distance-Bounding Protocols for RFID.
      8. Secure Proximity Identification for RFID.
      9. Public Key in RFIDs: Appeal for Asymmetry. Scalable RFID Privacy Protecting Schemes
      10. A Secure RFID Access Control Mechanism
  • Security in Wireless Sensor Networks
  •   1. A Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks.
      2. Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
      3. Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks
      4. Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
      5. Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Security in Integerated RFID and WSN
  •   1. hreats and Vulnerabilities of RFID and Beyond
      2. Finite Field Arithmetic for RFID and Sensor Networks
      3. Designing SecureWireless Embedded Systems

    ISBN:   9781420068399

    Publisher:   Auerbach Publications

    Year of Publication:  2009

    Book Link:  Home Page Url