Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks
The major issue of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), is to provide sufficient and uninterrupted coverage, to provide this heterogeneous sensors are used. Sensors have wide range of sensing capability is called heterogeneous sensors. In order to enable Sensor-Self Deployment these sensor nodes were made movable. The protocol used to increase the efficiency of the system and to reduce the power consumption is coverage aware sensor automation (CASA). The CASA protocol comprises of two algorithms. First one is sensor self-organizing algorithm (SSOA) and the second algorithm is enhanced virtual forces algorithm with boundary forces (EVFA-B). The EVFA-B states that each sensor node will have attractive and repulsive forces on every other sensor based of distance thresholding. The resulting force is used to place the sensor node to proper location in order to achieve the energy efficiency. The SSOA is used when there is a sudden or unexpected failure of sensor node. It performs local repair by repositioning the sensor. The performance of CASA is evaluated in terms of moving energy consumption and network self-healing capacity.
Author(s) Name:  M. Pravin and T. V. P. Sundararajan
Journal name:  International Journal of Computer Applications
Conferrence name:  
Publisher name:  IJCA
DOI:  10.5120/ijca2017913519
Volume Information:  Volume 163 - Number 5
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