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Water Cycle Algorithm Tuned Fuzzy Expert System for Trusted Routing in Smart Grid Communication Network - 2020

Water Cycle Algorithm Tuned Fuzzy Expert System for Trusted Routing in Smart Grid Communication Network

Research Area:  Wireless Sensor Networks


Finding an optimal route for reliable data delivery inthe smart grid communication network (SGCN) is a challengingtask due to its dynamic nature. Even though the rule set(RS) and membership function (MF) framed intuitively in ourprevious fuzzy logic (FL) approach performs the trusted routingsatisfactorily, it consumes computational memory and reducesthe energy efficiency of the node. To address this issue, weproposed a novel trust evaluation framework that employs watercycle algorithm (WCA) for automatic tuning of the rule set andmembership function for the decision variable to route the packetin an adaptable manner. Variables like distance, link stability,and node honesty are considered for evaluation using WCA inthree iterative processes namely exploitation, evaporation andraining to find the near optimal if-then rules and points forthe membership functions. An experimental setup is createdusing Network Simulator-2 (NS2) to evaluate the performanceof the proposed trusted routing algorithm in SGCN. Extensiveexperiments are conducted for three cases namely (i) evaluatingRS with fixed MF (ii) evaluating MF with fixed RS and (iii)combined evaluation of MF and RS to evaluate the performanceof the proposed model. From the simulation results, it is clearthat the RS and MF generated by the proposed model is smalland compact enough to provide reliable routing in SGCN.


Author(s) Name:  Durgadevi Velusamy; GaneshKumar Pugalendhi

Journal name:  IEEETransactions on Fuzzy Systems

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:   10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.2968833

Volume Information:  ( Volume: 28, Issue: 6, June 2020) Page(s): 1167 - 1177