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A novel approach to retrieve unlabelled images - 2021

A Novel Approach To Retrieve Unlabelled Images

Research Area:  Machine Learning


In this paper an attempt has been made to propose an architecture of the photo search engine to retrieve unlabelled images. In order to have fast execution the images are transformed into space using data processing pipeline. The proposed pipeline consists of HOG face detection and extraction, face landmark estimation, indexer and transformer. The image is passed through the data pipeline and the encoded faces in the input image are compared with other vectors by computing l2 norm distance, resulting in top N results to the users. The performance on faces94, faces95, faces96 and grimace public datasets has been observed individually and on superset of all the datasets. It has been observed that face94 has the best, whereas Grimaceface96 has the worst performance. Further it has been observed that proposed system witnessed an accuracy of 99% and precision of 94.7% when the search is performed on a combination of all datasets.


Author(s) Name:  Ashish Pahwa , Deepali Kamthania , Aayush Gupta and Chirag Jain

Journal name:  International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Inderscience

DOI:  10.1504/IJBIDM.2022.119948

Volume Information:  Vol. 20, No. 1,December 17, 2021,pp 56-76