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A review of topic modeling methods - 2020

A review of topic modeling methods

Survey paper on topic modeling methods

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Topic modeling is a popular analytical tool for evaluating data. Numerous methods of topic modeling have been developed which consider many kinds of relationships and restrictions within datasets; however, these methods are not frequently employed. Instead many researchers gravitate to Latent Dirichlet Analysis, which although flexible and adaptive, is not always suited for modeling more complex data relationships. We present different topic modeling approaches capable of dealing with correlation between topics, the changes of topics over time, as well as the ability to handle short texts such as encountered in social media or sparse text data. We also briefly review the algorithms which are used to optimize and infer parameters in topic modeling, which is essential to producing meaningful results regardless of method. We believe this review will encourage more diversity when performing topic modeling and help determine what topic modeling method best suits the user needs.

Topic modeling
Probabilistic Bayesian networks
Text analysis
Topic correlation
Temporal analysis
Social Media analysis
Inference algorithms

Author(s) Name:  Ike Vayansky, Sathish A.P. Kumar

Journal name:  Information Systems

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Elsevier

DOI:  10.1016/

Volume Information:  Volume 94, December 2020, 101582