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Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Based on Hybrid Multistage CNN-RNN Learner - 2018

Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Based On Hybrid Multistage Cnn-Rnn Learner

Research Paper on Biomedical Named Entity Recognition Based On Hybrid Multistage Cnn-Rnn Learner

Research Area:  Machine Learning


This current research presents an inventive multilevel named entity recognition scheme for explaining the confrontation with biomedical entity recognition which based on divergent algorithms. The presented scheme contains multilevels, which enables Biomedical entity recognition tasks to extract and identify important biomedical concept: DNA, RNA, CELL-LINE, CELL-TYPE, PROTEIN, and O classes with ease. The BioNLP/NLPBPA 2004 challenge datasets have been used and evaluated, resulted in promising outcomes in terms of biomedical recognition model performance.

Biomedical Named Entity Recognition
Cnn-Rnn Learner
Machine Learning
Deep Learning

Author(s) Name:   Robert Phan; Thoai Man Luu; Rachel Davey; Girija Chetty

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (iCMLDE)

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:   10.1109/iCMLDE.2018.00032

Volume Information: