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Hyperdimensional Computing With Local Binary Patterns: One-Shot Learning of Seizure Onset and Identification of Ictogenic Brain Regions Using Short-Time iEEG Recordings - 2019

Hyperdimensional Computing With Local Binary Patterns: One-Shot Learning Of Seizure Onset And Identification Of Ictogenic Brain Regions Using Short-Time Ieeg Recordings

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Objective: We develop a fast learning algorithm combining symbolic dynamics and brain-inspired hyperdimensional computing for both seizure onset detection and identification of ictogenic (seizure generating) brain regions from intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG). Methods: Our algorithm first transforms iEEG time series from each electrode into symbolic local binary pattern codes, from which a holographic distributed representation of the brain state of interest is constructed across all the electrodes and over time in a hyperdimensional space. The representation is used to quickly learn from few seizures, detect their onset, and identify the spatial brain regions that generated them. Results: We assess our algorithm on our dataset that contains 99 short-time iEEG recordings from 16 drug-resistant epilepsy patients being implanted with 36-100 electrodes. For the majority of the patients (ten out of 16), our algorithm quickly learns from one or two seizures and perfectly (100%) generalizes on novel seizures using k-fold cross-validation. For the remaining six patients, the algorithm requires three to six seizures for learning. Our algorithm surpasses the state-of-the-art including deep learning algorithms by achieving higher specificity (94.84% versus 94.77%) and macroaveraging accuracy (95.42% versus 94.96%), and 74 × lower memory footprint, but slightly higher average latency in detection (15.9 s versus 14.7 s). Moreover, the algorithm can reliably identify (with a p-value <; 0.01) the relevant electrodes covering an ictogenic brain region at two levels of granularity: cerebral hemispheres and lobes. Conclusion and significance: Our algorithm provides: 1) a unified method for both learning and classification tasks with end-to-end binary operations; 2) one-shot learning from seizure examples; 3) linear computational scalability for increasing number of electrodes; and 4) generation of transparent codes that enables post-translational support for clinical decision making. Our source code and anonymized iEEG dataset are freely available at


Author(s) Name:  Alessio Burrello; Kaspar Schindler; Luca Benini; Abbas Rahimi

Journal name:  IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  IEEE

DOI:  10.1109/TBME.2019.2919137

Volume Information:  ( Volume: 67, Issue: 2, Feb. 2020) Page(s): 601 - 613