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Image denoising method based on a deep convolution neural network - 2018

Image denoising method based on a deep convolution neural network

Research paper on Image denoising method based on a deep convolution neural network

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Image denoising is still a challenging problem in image processing. The authors propose a novel image denoising method based on a deep convolution neural network (DCNN). Different from other learning-based methods, the authors design a DCNN to achieve the noise image. Thus, the latent clear image can be achieved by separating the noise image from the contaminated image. At the training stage, the gradient clipping scheme is employed to prevent gradient explosions and enables the network to converge quickly. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed denoising method can achieve a better performance compared with the state-of-the-art denoising methods. Also, the results indicate that the denoising method has the ability of suppressing different noises with different noise levels by means of one single denoising model.

Image denoising
convolution neural network
Deep Learning

Author(s) Name:   Fu Zhang, Nian Cai, Jixiu Wu, Guandong Cen, Han Wang, Xindu Chen

Journal name:  IET Image Processing

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  Wiley

DOI:  10.1049/iet-ipr.2017.0389

Volume Information:  Volume 12, Issue 4