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MetaXCR : Reinforcement Based Meta Transfer Learning for Cross Lingual Commonsense Reasoning - 2023


MetaXCR: Reinforcement-Based Meta-Transfer Learning for Cross-Lingual Commonsense Reasoning | S-Logix

Research Area:  Machine Learning


Commonsense reasoning (CR) has been studied in many pieces of domain and has achieved great progress with the aid of large datasets. Unfortunately, most existing CR datasets are built in English, so most previous work focus on English. Furthermore, as the annotation of commonsense reasoning is costly, it is impossible to build a large dataset for every novel task. Therefore, there are growing appeals for Cross-lingual Low-Resource Commonsense Reasoning, which aims to leverage diverse existed English datasets to help the model adapt to new cross-lingual target datasets with limited labeled data. In this paper, we propose a multi-source adapter for cross-lingual low-resource Commonsense Reasoning (MetaXCR). In this framework, we first extend meta learning by incorporating multiple training datasets to learn a generalized task adapters across different tasks. Then, we further introduce a reinforcement-based sampling strategy to help the model sample the source task that is the most helpful to the target task. Finally, we introduce two types of cross-lingual meta-adaption methods to enhance the performance of models on target languages. Extensive experiments demonstrate MetaXCR is superior over state-of-the-arts, while being trained with fewer parameters than other work.

Commonsense reasoning
Meta-Transfer Learning

Author(s) Name:  Jie He, Yu Fu

Journal name:  

Conferrence name:  Proceedings of Machine Learning Research

Publisher name:  PMLR


Volume Information: