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Open and free EEG datasets for epilepsy diagnosis - 2021

Open And Free Eeg Datasets For Epilepsy Diagnosis

Research Area:  Machine Learning


The Epilepsies are a common, chronic neurological disorder affecting more than 50 million individuals across the globe. It is characterized by unprovoked, recurring (similar or different type) seizures which are commonly diagnosed through clinical EEGs. Good-quality, open-access and free EEG data can act as a catalyst for on-going state-of-the-art (SOTA) research works for detection, prediction and management of epilepsy and seizures. They can also aid in improving the quality of life (QOL) of these diseased individuals and contribute research in healthcare multimedia, data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in personalized medicine. This paper presents widely used, available, open and free EEG datasets available for epilepsy and seizure diagnosis. A brief comparison and discussion of open and private datasets has also been done. Such datasets will help in development and evaluation of automatic computer-aided system in healthcare.


Author(s) Name:  Palak Handa, Monika Mathur, Nidhi Goel

Journal name:  Electrical Engineering and Systems Science

Conferrence name:  

Publisher name:  arXiv:2108.01030

DOI:  10.48550/arXiv.2108.01030

Volume Information: