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Research Proposal in Temporal and Spatial Context-based Group Recommendation

Research Proposal in Temporal and Spatial Context-based Group Recommendation

   Group recommendation is complicated system than the individual recommendation system and aims to recommend items to a group of users inclusively, based on their preferences. The Group recommender system analyses the interests of every member in the group and performs an aggregation over their preferences to advent at a final suggestion. The information required for deciding group preferences has contended with context-aware.
   Contextual recommendations for groups compute recommendations by considering the associated context state of all users in the group. The contextual recommendations with spatial and temporal information help address more specific insights about user preference. Spatiotemporal context includes information about the location and time of an individual or group. Group recommendations with spatial and temporal context prefer the suitable items to the group of users based on the mobility with space and time of every member in the group. Spatiotemporal context-based group recommendation is the novel recommendation system that provides efficient recommendations for the group of users.