Research Area:  Machine Learning
There has been a lack of standardization of the evaluation of sequential decoding systems in the bioengineering community. Assessment of the accuracy of a candidate system-s segmentations and measurement of a false alarm rate are examples of two performance metrics that are very critical to the operational acceptance of a technology. However, measurement of such quantities in a consistent manner require many scoring software implementation details to be resolved. Results can be highly sensitive to these implementation details. In this paper, we revisit and evaluate a set of metrics introduced in our open source scoring software for sequential decoding of multichannel signals. This software was used to rank sixteen automatic seizure detection systems recently developed for the 2020 Neureka® Epilepsy Challenge. The systems produced by the participants provided us with a broad range of design variations that allowed assessment of the consistency of the proposed metrics. We present a comprehensive assessment of four of these new metrics and validate our findings with our previous studies. We also validate a proposed new metric, time-aligned event scoring, that focuses on the segmentation behavior of an algorithm. We demonstrate how we can gain insight into the performance of a system using these metrics.
Author(s) Name:  V. Shah; I. Obeid; J. Picone; G. Ekladious; R. Iskander; Y. Roy
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Conferrence name:  IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB)
Publisher name:  IEEE
DOI:  10.1109/SPMB50085.2020.9353631
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