Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
One of the most important type of infrastructure less network is Mobile Ad-hoc network in which it does not required a static infrastructure. The interaction between the source and destination nodes which falls under different locations are possible with the help of intermediate nodes present in the network. These intermediate nodes work optimally to identify the shortest as well as feasible path to the destination node. The interaction takes place in the form of multi-hop communication. Anyway in an integrated or full environment, few nodes will not provide actual information to identify the optimal path to reach the destination node. This happens due to the greedy character of those nodes which requires the traffic in the network over the times. The nodes which provides wrong information will not forward the data packets, at the same time they drop these data packets in which this process is called as black hole attack. The black hole attack is one of the very devastating attack which severely affects the performance of the network. In this regard, a novel intrusion detection system called Alleviating the effects of Black hole through Identification and Protection (ABIP) has been proposed. The ABIP works based on the non-static threshold value of the receiver succession number where the nodes produce wrong information produces high receiver succession number. The proposed work is compared and evaluated with various existing approaches and results in better performance regarding to packet delivery and also minimizes the effects of the black hole attacks.
Author(s) Name:  M. Kowsigan,J. Rajeshkumar,B. Baranidharan,N. Prasath,S. Nalini,K. Venkatachalam
Journal name:  Wireless Personal Communications
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Publisher name:  Springer
DOI:  10.1007/s11277-021-08530-z
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