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Misbehaviors Detection Schemes in Mobile ad hoc Networks

Misbehaviors Detection Schemes in Mobile ad hoc Networks

Latest PhD Thesis on Misbehaviors Detection Schemes in Mobile ad hoc Networks

Research Area:  Mobile Ad Hoc Networks


    With the evolution of user requirements, many network technologies have been developed. Among these technologies, we find mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) that were designed to ensure communication in situations where the deployment of a network infrastructure is expensive or inappropriate. In this type of networks, routing is an important function where each mobile entity acts as a router and actively participates in routing services. However, routing protocols are not designed with security in mind and often are very vulnerable to node misbehavior. A malicious node included in a route between communicating nodes may severely disrupt the routing services and block the network traffic. In this thesis, we propose a solution for detecting malicious nodes in MANETs through a behavior-based analysis and using Bayesian filters and Markov chains. The core idea of our solution is to evaluate the behavior of a node based on its interaction with its neighbors using a completely decentralized scheme. Moreover, a stochastic model is used to predict the nature of behavior of a node and verify its reliability prior to selecting a path. Our solution has been validated through extensive simulations using the NS-2 simulator. The results show that the proposed solution ensures an accurate detection of malicious nodes and improve the quality of routing services in MANETs.

Name of the Researcher:  Mohammad Rmayti

Name of the Supervisor(s):  M.RidaKhatoun, Mme

Year of Completion:  2016

University:  University Of Troye

Thesis Link:   Home Page Url