Author(s) Name:  Yin Pan, Bo Yuan, Sumita Mishra
As people increasingly rely on computer systems and networks for services such as online banking, online shopping, and socialization, information security for identity protection and privacy has become more important today than ever. Businesses and organizations are also obligated to provide such security to comply with state and federal laws and regulations. Managing security risks and ensuring compliance with information security regulations and industry standards have become important for businesses and organizations.
Security auditing is an effective process to assess policies, procedures, and controls in identifying risks associated with networks and various operating systems. This chapter emphasizes network security audits and discusses various auditing procedures and technologies to identify and examine threats and vulnerabilities in computer networks, and to determine how to assess and manage risk posed to a network.
Table of Contents
ISBN:  9781609607777
Publisher:  IGI Global
Year of Publication:  2011
Book Link:  Home Page Url