Condition for Install EdgeCloudSim with NetBeans IDE
Description: To install EdgeCloudSim with NetBeans IDE, start by ensuring that Java is installed and properly configured on your system. Download the EdgeCloudSim source code from the official repository or other available sources. Extract the downloaded files to a directory of your choice. Open NetBeans IDE, then create a new Java project by selecting "File" > "New Project" > "Java" > "Java Project." In the project setup, choose the existing EdgeCloudSim directory as the project location or import the downloaded source files into the project folder. Once the project is
Install Netbeans by using sudo apt install netbeans
STEP 2: Create a New Project in NetBeans
Go to File > New Project.
Choose Java > Java Application and click Next.
Name your project (e.g., EdgeCloudSim) and specify the location.
Uncheck the option to create a main class, then click Finish.
STEP 3: Import EdgeCloudSim Source Code
Copy the src/ folder from the EdgeCloudSim source code into the src directory of your NetBeans project.
Make sure the package structure (e.g., edu.boun.edgecloudsim) is intact.
Add configuration files (, edge_devices.xml, applications.xml) to a config/ folder inside your project directory.
STEP 4: Add Dependencies
Place all required JAR files (e.g., cloudsim-4.0.jar) in a lib/ folder within your project directory.
Add JAR Files to the Project:
Right-click the project name in the Projects pane and select Properties.
Go to Libraries > Add JAR/Folder.
Add all JAR files from the lib/ folder.
STEP 5: Configure the Main Class
Set the MainApp class as the entry point:
Right-click the project name and select Properties.
Go to Run and specify edu.boun.edgecloudsim.MainApp as the Main Class.
Ensure the MainApp file references the correct paths for: