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How to create wireless mesh network in NS2?


Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) has its potential in many practical applications such as battlefield surveillance, file sharing and so on. WMN consists of mesh routers, mesh clients, and gateway. In file mesh_network.tcl, mesh routers and gateway are static nodes and mesh clients are mobile devices.

Sample Code

#Filename: mesh_network.tcl

proc MeshRouters {} {
if { $a < [expr $rc + 1] } {
for {set i $f} {$i < $a } { incr i } {
set xx($i) [expr $xx([expr $i – 1]) + 150]
set yy($i) $yy([expr $i – 1])
$node_($i) set X_ $xx($i)
$node_($i) set Y_ $yy($i)
set f [expr $a + 1]
set a [expr $f + [expr $column -1]]
proc MeshClients {} {
for {set i $rc } {$i < $val(nn) } { incr i } {
set xx($i) [expr rand()*$val(x)]
set yy($i) [expr [expr rand()*300] + 200]
$ns at $tm "$node_($i) setdest $xx($i) $yy($i) 500"



create wireless mesh network in NS2