Description: Type conversion is the process of converting a variable from one data type to another.
Implicit Type Conversion (Automatic Conversion) Explicit Type Conversion (Manual Conversion)
Step-by-Step Process
Implicit Type Conversion (Automatic Conversion):
Python automatically converts one data type to another when necessary, such as when performing arithmetic operations.It happens implicitly if no information is lost in the conversion.
Explicit Type Conversion (Manual Conversion):
This type of conversion is performed by the programmer using Python's built-in functions. Explicit type conversion is used when you need to convert data types to another type manually, such as converting a string to an integer or a float to an integer.
Sample Code
#Implicit conversion
x = 5
y = 2.5
z = x + y
print("Output for Implicit:")
#Explicit Conversion
# Convert string to integer
str_number = "10"
int_number = int(str_number)
print("Output for Explicit:")
print("String to integer:", int_number)
#Convert list to tuple
lst = [1, 2, 3]
tup = tuple(lst)
print("List to tuple:", tup)
# Convert integer to boolean
num = 0
bool_num = bool(num)
print("Integer to boolean:", bool_num)
# Convert float to integer
float_num = 12.78
int_num = int(float_num)
print("Float to integer:", int_num)