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What is Formal Arguments in Python?

 Formal Arguments in Python

Condition for Formal Arguments in Python

  • Description: Formal arguments are the parameters listed in the function definition that define how inputs are passed into the function.
Step-by-Step Process
  • Positional arguments: It refers to how actual arguments are matched with formal arguments in a function based on their order of appearance.
  • Keyword arguments: It passing arguments to a function using their names (keywords) instead of relying solely on their position in the function call.
  • Variable-length arguments: It allows functions to accept an arbitrary number of arguments, which can be either positional or keyword arguments.
  • Arbitrary Positional Arguments(*args): Allows a function to accept any number of positional arguments.These arguments are collected into a tuple.
  • Arbitrary Keyword Arguments(**kwargs): Allows a function to accept any number of keyword arguments.These arguments are collected into a dictionary.
Sample Code
  • #Positional arguments
    print("Output for positional arguments")
    def sub(x,y):
    return x-y
    result = sub(10,5)
    #Keyword arguments
    print("Output for keyword arguments")
    def greet(name, greeting="Hello"):
    print(f"{greeting}, {name}!")
    result2 = greet(name="Praveen",greeting="Hi")
    #Variable-length arguments
    # Using *args
    print("Output for *args")
    def sum_numbers(*args):
    return sum(args)
    result3 = sum_numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    #Using **Kwargs
    print("Output for **kwargs")
    def display_details(**kwargs):
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
    print(f"{key}: {value}")
    display_details(name="Kumar", age=25, city="Mumbai")
  • Formal arguments