To deal with IP address in R using the iptools package
ip_classify(ip_list) – To Validate an IP address and classify its type
ip_to_numeric(ip_list) – To convert the dotted decimal IP to numeric form
numeric_to_ip(ip_numeric) – To convert numeric form IP to dotted decimal IP
hostname_to_ip(hostname) – To convert the Host name to IP
ip_to_hostname(ip) – To convert IP to host name
range_boundaries() -To expand given IP address range
range_generate(range) – To generate ip address within a certain range
ip_in_range(ips, range) – To check whether the given ip address is in given range
ip_random(n) – To generate a valid IPv4 Address
Load the iptools package
Load the IP address list
Use the predefined functions to validate,handle the IP address
#To Validate an IP address and classify its type
#To convert the dotted decimal IP address to numeric form
#Works with IPv4 addresses only
#To convert numeic form IP to dotted deciaml IP
#To convert the Host name to ip
#To convert IP to host name
#To expand the given IP ranges
#Produces a data.frame containing the smallest-valued and
#largest-valued IP addresses in that range
#To generate ip address within a certain range
range_generate(range = “”)
#To check whether the given ip address is in given range
ips ip_in_range(ips, “”)
#To generate a valid IPv4 Address
ip_random(n = 5)