To implement pipeline architecture for sentiment analysis in spark with R using sparklyR package
spark_connect(master = “local”) – To create a spark connection
sdf_copy_to(spark_connection,R object,name) – To copy data to spark environment
sdf_partition(spark_dataframe,partitions with weights,seed) – To partition spark dataframe into multiple groups
ml_pipeline(spark connection) – To create a Spark ML pipeline
ft_r_formula(formula) – To implement the transforms required for fititng a dataset against an R model formula
ml_random_forest_classifier() – To build a random forest model
ml_fit(pipeline_model,train_data) – To fit the model
ml_transform(fitted_pipeline,test_data) – To predict the test data
#Load the sparklyr library
#Create a spark connection
sc #Copy data to spark environment
data_amz %
ft_tokenizer(input_col=”V1″,output_col=”Tokenized”) %>%
ft_stop_words_remover(input_col=”Tokenized”,output_col =”Stp_rmvd”)%>%
ft_hashing_tf(input_col = “Stp_rmvd”,output_col = “Hash”)%>%
ft_r_formula(V2~IDF) %>%
#Split the data for train and test
#Fit the pipeline model
fitted_pipeline fitted_pipeline
#Predict using the test data
predictions predictions
#Evaluate the metrics AUC
cat(“Area Under Curve : “,ml_binary_classification_evaluator(predictions, label_col = “label”,prediction_col = “prediction”))