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Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems

Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems

Interesting Research Book in Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems

Author(s) Name:  Mohammad Ilyas, Imad Mahgoub

About the Book:

   As the field of communications networks continues to evolve, the challenging area of wireless sensor networks is rapidly coming of age. Recent advances have made it possible to make sensor components more compact, robust, and energy efficient than ever, earning the idiosyncratic alias of “Smart Dust.” Production has also improved, yielding larger, more cost-efficient quantities for specialized telecommunications applications. However, network designers and planners for emerging telecommunication networks face specific challenges in finding the best way to integrate new network-specific circuits with existing network systems.
   The Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems captures the current state of sensor networks and deals with particular technical challenges such as software protocols, data processing, security, and limited power sources for remote sensors. Other topics include architecture, artificial perception, location management, dynamic power management, data funneling, and applications such as tracking, biological data acquisition, industrial sensor networking, security measures, and energy-saving techniques.

Table of Contents

  • Opportunities and Challenges in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Next Generation Technologies to Enable Sensor Networks
  • Sensor Networks Management
  • Models for Programmability in Sensor Networks
  • Miniaturizing Sensor Networks with MEMS
  • A Taxonomy of Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Sensor Network Architecture and Applications
  • A Practical Perspective on Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Introduction to Industrial Sensor Networking
  • ISBN:  9780849319686

    Publisher:  CRC Press

    Year of Publication:  2004

    Book Link:  Home Page Url