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Latest Research Papers in Cluster-based Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
Good Cluster-based Routing Techniques Research Papers in Wireless Sensor Networks
Latest Research Papers in Cluster-based Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks
Related Papers
A Novel Cross-Layer Cross-Domain Routing Model and It is Optimization for Cluster-Based Dense WSN-[2021]
A Qos-Aware, Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization-Cuckoo Search Clustering Based Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks-[2021]
A probability based energy competent cluster based secured ch selection routing EC2SR protocol for smart dust-[2021]
Cluster-Based Classical Routing Protocols and Authentication Algorithms in WSN: A Survey Based on Procedures and Methods-[2021]
Energy Efficient Cluster based Multilevel Hierarchical Routing for multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network-[2021]
Enhancement of network lifetime by fuzzy based secure CH clustered routing protocol for mobile wireless sensor network-[2021]
Hybrid optimization algorithm for security aware cluster head selection process to aid hierarchical routing in wireless sensor network-[2021]
Merged glowworm swarm with ant colony optimization for energy efficient clustering and routing in Wireless Sensor Network-[2021]
Precision agriculture with cluster-based optimal routing in wireless sensor network-[2021]
An Energy-Proficient Clustering-Inspired Routing Protocol using Improved Bkd-tree for Enhanced Node Stability and Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks-[2020]
An optimized QoS-based clustering with multipath routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks-[2020]
BPA-CRP: A balanced power-aware clustering and routing protocol for wireless sensor networks-[2019]
A Pareto optimization-based approach to clustering and routing in Wireless Sensor Networks-[2018]
CAMP: cluster aided multi-path routing protocol for wireless sensor networks-[2018]
Clustering routing based on mixed integer programming for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks-[2018]
Moth Flame Optimization Based Energy Efficient Stable Clustered Routing Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks-[2018]
Proposed Energy Efficient Algorithm for Clustering and Routing in WSN-[2018]
Security Aware Trusted Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Body Sensor Networks-[2018]
A Clustered based Approach for Energy Efficient Routing in WSNs-[2017]
Development of Fuzzy based Energy Efficient Cluster Routing Protocol to Increase the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks-[2017]
Energy Efficient Clustering Routing Protocol based on LEACH for WSN-[2015]
PhD Guidance and Support Enquiry
Masters and PhD Project Enquiry
PhD Research Guidance in Wireless Sensor Networks
Research Topics in Wireless Sensor Networks
PhD Research Proposal in Wireless Sensor Networks
Literature Survey in Wireless Sensor Networks
PhD Thesis in Wireless Sensor Networks
PhD Projects in Wireless Sensor Networks
Leading Journals in Wireless Sensor Networks
Leading Research Books in Wireless Sensor Networks
Research Topics in Computer Science
PhD Thesis Writing Services in Computer Science
PhD Paper Writing Services in Computer Science
How to Write a PhD Research Proposal in Computer Science
Ph.D Support Enquiry
Project Enquiry
Research Guidance in Wireless Sensor Network
Research Proposal in Wireless Sensor Network
Research Papers in Wireless Sensor Network
Literature Survey in Wireless Sensor Network
Ph.D Thesis in Wireless Sensor Network
Research Projects in Wireless Sensor Network
Project Titles in Wireless Sensor Network
Project Source Code in Wireless Sensor Network
Leading Journals in Wireless Sensor Network